

The exploitation phase is the phase where the tester tries to gain access to the system using the vulnerabilities identified in the previous phase. The exploitation phase is important because:

  • It helps to determine the severity of the vulnerabilities identified in the previous phase.
  • It helps to identify the impact of the vulnerabilities on the system.
  • It helps to identify the level of access that an attacker can gain on the system.
  • It helps to identify the countermeasures that can be taken to prevent the exploitation of vulnerabilities.

Famous Exploits

There are several famous exploits that can be used in the exploitation phase, including:

  • Eternal Blue: It is an exploit for a vulnerability in Microsoft's Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. It was used in the WannaCry ransomware attack in 2017.
  • Log4j: It is a vulnerability in the Apache Logging Services Project's Log4j library that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code.
  • BlueKeep: It is a vulnerability in Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code.

Most Commonly Used Tools

There are several tools that can be used in the exploitation phase. Some of the most used tools and how to use them are:

  • Nmap: It is a tool used for network exploration and security auditing. To use Nmap, the tester needs to provide the IP address of the target system. Nmap will then scan the system and identify the open ports and services. This information can be used to identify vulnerabilities.

Usage example:

nmap <target IP address>
  • Metasploit Framework: It is an open-source tool that provides a framework for developing and executing exploits. To use Metasploit, the tester needs to select an exploit from the list of available exploits and configure it. Once the exploit is configured, the tester can execute it and gain access to the system.

Usage example:

use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue
set RHOST <target IP address>
set PAYLOAD windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
  • PsExec: It is a tool used to execute commands on remote systems. To use PsExec, the tester needs to provide the username and password of a user with administrative privileges on the target system. The tester can then execute commands on the target system.

Usage example:

psexec \\target -u <username> -p <password> cmd

Using Information Obtained in the Exploitation Phase

Once the tester has gained access to the system and extracted sensitive information, the information obtained in the exploitation phase is used in the post-exploitation phase. The information obtained can be used to:

  • Identify the security measures that need to be taken to prevent future attacks.
  • Determine the extent of the damage caused by the attack.
  • Identify the data that has been compromised.
  • Gather additional information about the system for further exploitation.


the exploitation phase is an important step in the penetration testing process. It helps to determine the severity of vulnerabilities, identify countermeasures, and gain access to the system. The most famous exploits and tools used in the exploitation phase were discussed, and examples of how to use them were provided. Finally, the information obtained in the exploitation phase is used in the post-exploitation phase to prevent future attacks and minimize damage caused by the attack.


The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only. The tools and techniques discussed in this article should only be used on systems with prior written consent from the owner or authorized personnel. Any unauthorized use of these tools or techniques may result in legal consequences. The author of this article are not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the use of the information provided in this article. It is the responsibility of the reader to use this information ethically and responsibly.